Vacuum Therapy

The vacuum fat stimulator, through its sucking & releasing action, helps in mobilizing and breaking down the excessive, accumulated stubborn adipose tissue once broken down, the fat is more easily converted into energy and consumed by the body.

Vacuum improving body metabolism and increasing blood supply to tissues. This enforces & improve the result when uses before electrical stimulation.

Vacuum massage is believed to be one of the most trusted methods to reduce cellulite. In the basis of this massage effect is a reflex method based on hyperaemia arising, on irritation of skin's receptors by vacuum created in the glass cup. The medical effect of the glass cup procedure is realized by means of vacuum, which causes the local rush of blood and lymph to skin from deep lying tissues that exerts the reflex influence on vessels of internal organs. Stagnation is eliminated metabolism and dermal respirations in the massaged segment of a body are intensified. Skin becomes more elastic, its resistance to temperature and mechanical factors is increased and muscles retracting function is improved.


  • Vacuum unit is easily connected with different vacuum glass cups
  • Adjustable vacuum pressure ensures simple & convenient attachment of suction cup
  • Regulates suction power according to vacuum pressure levels
  • Vacuum is noise free, easy to use & maintenance free filter
  • Digital treatment timer
  • Silicon connecting pipes used

Vac - Toner

SVT - 100